ONGOD Motivation

About Us

Our goal here at OnGod Motivation is to provide top tier, creative & motivating quality apparel with the hopes of creating the new entrepreneur, boss, or ceo, through the visual presentation of the steadfast promises of OUR God! OnGod more commonly used as a slang-term to mean a couple of things, it most typically means “I swear to God,” or to emphasize that someone’s telling the truth….really, really speaking honestly about a particular subject.

Here at OnGod Motivation we want the subject you speak so highly & whole heartedly about, to be a passion, goal, success, or dream! With our apparel or what we call Affirmation Apparel, we want the consumer to speak whatever they put OnGod into existence, and while you do that draped in your OnGod Motivation apparel someone else can be affirmed by your outfit’s message or specific design.


Our goal here at OnGOD Motivation is to motivate & encourage point blank! We want our supporters (core base) to feel like what they’re wearing, the message/logo that’s professionally printed, sewn & stitched, produced & manufactured sparks the fuel to accomplish anything! Not only is the look clean & fashionable, the impact will touch generation on generation to create their own success story!

Whether you sell cookies make the best cookies -OnGOD, go to school to be the best in your field of study- OnGOD…your purpose is just that,  your purpose! We want to instill the motivation to chase down your goals while making a fashion statement in the process.